The Feldera Blog
An unbounded stream of technical articles from the Feldera team
Streaming queries without compromise
The Feldera Team's talk at the Stream Processing Meetup
DBSP in ACM SIGMOD Research Highlights
The DBSP paper receives the ACM SIGMOD 2024 Research Highlights Award
A synchronous streaming model
Discussing a few different ways to design streaming systems.
Feldera input and output adapters
Interfacing an incremental streaming query engine with the outside world
Incremental Database Computations
What is incremental computation in a database
Indexed Z-sets
How to implement JOINs and GROUP BY on Z-set
Database computations on Z-sets
How can Z-sets be used to implement database computations
Calcite program representations
This article is about the Apache Calcite compiler framework. We describe the core data structures used by Calcite to represent programs.
How to Continuously Analyze Streaming Data from Redpanda
You can write standard SQL on fast changing data from Redpanda