The Feldera Blog

An unbounded stream of technical articles from the Feldera team

Incremental Update 11

Recursive SQL and a new UI design! A quick overview of what's new in v0.31.

Fault tolerance now in preview!

Fault tolerance is now in preview for our enterprise offering! This lets Feldera pipelines survive crashes and machine failures, and resume exactly from where they left off using network-attached or remote storage.

Inspecting Feldera pipelines

We have recently announced the ability of using ad-hoc queries to interact with Feldera pipelines. In this blog post we describe how this feature is implemented.

Incremental Update 10

ROW type! A quick overview of what's new in v0.30.

Feature Wars: SQL vs DSL for Feature Engineering

What's the best language for ML feature engineering: a specialized DSL or a general-purpose language like SQL?

How to Analyze Unbounded Time-Series Data using Bounded State

Learn how Feldera is able to run many complex SQL queries over unbounded time-series data using bounded state.

Incremental Update 9

Emit final! A quick overview of what's new in v0.29.

Taking the short path to streaming on the GPU with DBSP

Community post: DBSP is simple, general, and provides a practical mental model to the cost, both in time and in data, of computations. In this post we will put this to practice by leveraging a Python implementation of DBSP to implement incremental relational operators that show noticeable speed improvements.

Incremental Update 8

UDFs! A quick overview of what's new in v0.28.