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6 posts tagged with "Z-set"

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RocksDB: Not A Good Choice for a High-Performance Streaming Platform

RocksDB: Not A Good Choice for a High-Performance Streaming Platform

22 JULY, 2024

We go over our findings when trying to use RocksDB as our storage engine

Gerd Zellweger


Incremental Database Computations

Incremental Database Computations

1 FEBRUARY, 2024

What is incremental computation in a database

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Indexed Zsets

Indexed Zsets

10 JANUARY, 2024

How to implement JOINs and GROUP BY on Z-sets

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Database computations on Z-sets

Database computations on Z-sets

29 NOVEMBER, 2023

How can Z-sets be used to implement database computations

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Implementing Z-sets

Implementing Z-sets

28 SEPTEMBER, 2023

A concrete example implementation of Z-sets

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Z-sets - Representing Database Changes

Z-sets - Representing Database Changes

22 SEPTEMBER, 2023

Z-sets are a unified representation for database tables and changes to database tables

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder