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6 posts tagged with "streaming"

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Optimizing Kafka input performance

Optimizing Kafka input performance

15 JULY, 2024

What can we do to our code and our data to maximize Kafka input performance?

Ben Pfaff


Let's make streaming analytics boring

Let's make streaming analytics boring

10 JUNE, 2024

How can we make streaming analytics as user-friendly as batch analytics? Working back from the ideal user experience, we identify the issues with current streaming tools, and explore ways to address them.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder

Real-time feature engineering with Feldera. Part 2.

Real-time feature engineering with Feldera. Part 2.

22 MAY, 2024

We put Feldera to work to implement real-time feature engineering for credit card fraud detection on top of a Delta Lake.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder

Rivu Adhikari

Software Engineer

Abhinav Gyawali

Software Engineer

Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

8 MAY, 2024

Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

Lalith Suresh

CEO & Co-Founder

Real-time feature engineering is hard (but it doesn't need to be). Part 1.

Real-time feature engineering is hard (but it doesn't need to be). Part 1.

26 APRIL, 2024

The first in a series of posts on using Feldera to democratize real-time feature engineering.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder

Welcome to Feldera

Welcome to Feldera

14 JULY, 2023

Announcing Feldera's core technology and how it merges several independent technologies for a ground-breaking analytical solution.

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder