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4 posts tagged with "Incremental Computation"

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Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

8 MAY, 2024

Incremental Computation, a bad case of déjà vu

Lalith Suresh

CEO & Co-Founder

Feldera input and output adapters

Feldera input and output adapters

16 FEBRUARY, 2024

Interfacing an incremental streaming query engine with the outside world

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Incremental Database Computations

Incremental Database Computations

1 FEBRUARY, 2024

What is incremental computation in a database

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder

Computing with changes

Computing with changes

15 JULY, 2023

Describing how change data and incremental computation work together in Feldera for continuous analytical results.

Mihai Budiu

Chief Scientist & Co-Founder