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3 posts tagged with "feature engineering"

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Real-time fraud detection using Feldera and Hopsworks

Real-time fraud detection using Feldera and Hopsworks

8 JULY, 2024

Implementing a real-time fraud detection pipeline using Feldera and the Hopsworks feature store.

Real-time feature engineering with Feldera. Part 2.

Real-time feature engineering with Feldera. Part 2.

22 MAY, 2024

We put Feldera to work to implement real-time feature engineering for credit card fraud detection on top of a Delta Lake.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder

Rivu Adhikari

Software Engineer

Abhinav Gyawali

Software Engineer

Real-time feature engineering is hard (but it doesn't need to be). Part 1.

Real-time feature engineering is hard (but it doesn't need to be). Part 1.

26 APRIL, 2024

The first in a series of posts on using Feldera to democratize real-time feature engineering.

Leonid Ryzhyk

CTO & Co-Founder